Important NOTES & Dates
SportsWareOnLine ( was introduced to NL in the Spring 2021 Season. Moving forward all sports/medical paperwork will be completed in SportsWare. This is to make collecting and dispersing sports/medical forms more efficient, by not having students bring forms to/from home and turning forms into multiple places.
Additionally, all demographic information that is requested by the PIAA forms will now be put into SportsWare during initial registration and only updated as needed. Please click the link below to get to the SportsWareOnLine homepage. Also, there is a link for instructions on how to register for SportsWare.
HIGHLY recommend completing on a computer, as the mobile SportsWare website is better for completing quick changes to personal information and not for filling out or submitting forms.
* All forms can be found on SportsWareOnLine Website. All forms are PDF fillable, meaning you can type directly into the form, including signatures and dates. Once forms are submitted, signatures and dates become digital signatures.
NL SportsWareOnLine Instructions Student-Athletes & Parents
* The School ID for Northern Lebanon School District is NLSD
* Prior to obtaining a physical, student-athletes must have registered and completed all (PIAA CIPPE Section 1-5 & NL Code of Conduct) forms and required fields in SportsWare Online. If you do not have the information for the required fields put “N/A”. The 2 forms that you need to take to the physician to get a physical are Section 5 (Health History) and Section 6 (Physical).
Once you have the physical completed, there are a few different options to get the physical uploaded into SportsWare.
Option 1: Scan (if you don’t have a scanner, most smartphones have the ability to take a scan) the completed physical and upload to SportsWare by clicking forms, add, then select the file to upload. When you are uploading a file I always recommend you name it or put in the title first and last initials, sports season, school year, and what form you are uploading. (i.e. JS Fall 23-24 PIAA Physical Section 6).
Option 2: Take a photo with your cell phone of the completed physical and upload to SportsWare the same way as Option 1. You may need to email the photo to yourself to be able to upload.
Option 3: You can scan or take a photo of the completed form and email it to Jeremy Stevens the athletic trainer ( and he will upload the form.
Option 4: Turn the completed form in to Jeremy Stevens. (I prefer this to be the last option. DO NOT turn your completed form in to your coach, unless you absolutely know that coach is going to give it to Jeremy Stevens; if the form is lost between transfer from student/parent to coach and does not make it to Jeremy Stevens, then it will be the student/parent responsibility to get another copy or another physical)
Want to show your Viking Pride?
BSN Sports (company that does most of our uniforms and sports supplies) has created a 24/7 NL Viking Sideline Store. This store runs through the year and you have several customization options. All orders are shipped directly to the buyer.