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Learning Grant Program

In the fall of each year, the Viking Foundation seeks proposals from District professional staff as well as advisors and coaches of school district sanctioned clubs for innovative student projects that are not covered by the school district budget. Submitted applications are reviewed for learning activities that:

  • encourage excellence and innovation;
  • would not typically be funded by the school district's professional development budgets;
  • are cost effective with regard to the number of students and residents that would benefit;
  • allow for continued impact on learning beyond the initial project.

Grants in the amount of $500 dollars are available for individuals and up to $1,000 available for team activities that meet the criteria. Since 2011, a total of twenty-two (22) grants have been awarded that have provided over $14,800 in funding for innovative projects that have had a positive impact upon thousands of students and residents.

Past Learning Grant Awards


Equipment for video morning announcements

College in the Classroom


Art Supplies for V3 Students

Photography equipment for V3 Students

College in the Classroom

2016 - 2017

Biking for Everyone
Sixth Grade STEAM Experience
Jonestown Elementary Beautification Project
Advanced Health Education Muscular System Model

2015 - 2016

Life Skills Small Business Breakfast Club
First Aid and CPR Training Supplies
Outdoor Classroom

2014 - 2015

Advanced Health Education Skeleton System Model
Weight & Fitness Equipment
Speed Training & Cardiovascular Equipment

2013 - 2014

Environmental Studies
Jonestown Sundial STEM Project
Quantitative Study for Compound Substances
Computer Aided Design in FACS
Integrating Software-Based Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

2012 - 2013

Wilderness Supplies
Girls in Transition to Middle School Program
Guy Code 101 - Middle School Transition Program
RAZ-Kids Membership Pilot Program

2011 - 2012

Graphic Novel Series to Foster Love of Reading

Girls in Transition Program
Stability Balls