Title I Services
What is Title I?
Title I is a federal act that provides money to school districts. The money is used to develop programs to help support students at risk of school failure.
How is the Money Distributed?
The amount of money a district receives for Title I programs is based on census figures indicating the percentage of economically disadvantaged families in its area.
Can the Money be Used Only for Students Who are Economically Disadvantaged?
No. In fact, Title I does not receive the names of those families. Title I programs serve those who are educationally at risk (children with reading, writing, and/or math deficiencies, and young children who have the potential for school problems).
Who Decides What Programs Title I Will Fund?
The decision about how Title I money is spent is a collaborative process. The Title I staff communicate with parents, classroom teachers, administrators, and Title I students.
This is done at each school building through advisory committees, surveys, parent and teacher meetings, newsletters, and presentations. Stakeholders share information and receive feedback about the effectiveness of all programs. This information is considered in the drafting of the application that must be submitted every year to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Federal Programs.
How do We Know the Programs are Working?
In the annual application for Title I funds, the district must set evaluation goals for every Title I program. The application indicates what goals the district expects the students to meet and how student progress will be measured. Evaluation results are reviewed annually.
What are the Responsibilities of Title I Parents?
Parents have a large role in Title I. They are informed by letter of their child’s eligibility for Title I and have the option of accepting the help for their child. Parents are invited to Title I meetings, conferences, and workshops annually. They receive reports about their child’s progress and suggestions for how they might help the child at home. Children whose parents get involved have a much better rate of success.
Letters for Parents