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Board Meetings

Northern Lebanon Board of School Directors 2024 Meetings

The Board of School Directors of Northern Lebanon School District will meet on the following dates during the 2024 year, noting that the reorganization meeting on December 3 is scheduled prior to the committee/board meeting.

Committee and Board meetings will be held in the Northern Lebanon District Office Board Room, 346 School Drive, Fredericksburg, PA. The public should use door 22.

Committee Meeting Dates

February 6 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

March 5 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

April 2 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

May 7 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

August 6 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

October 1 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

November 4 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time (Monday)

Board Meeting Dates:

January 9 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

February 13 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

March 12 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

April 9 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

May 14 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

June 4 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

June 11 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time (if needed)

July 9 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time (if needed)

August 13 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

September 10 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

October 8 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time

November 12 - 6:30 PM, Prevailing Time 

December 3 - 5:30 PM, (Reorganization with Committee/Board Meeting following)

December 10- 6:30 PM (if needed)

The Northern Lebanon School District will supply, upon request, copies of this public notice to any newspaper of general circulation in the Northern Lebanon School District, to any radio or television station which regularly broadcasts into the Northern Lebanon School District, and to any interested party if the newspaper, station or party provides Northern Lebanon School District with a stamped, self - addressed envelope.

This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of the Sunshine Act (Act 84 of July 3, 1986) and Board Policy #006, Meetings.

Patricia K. Martin, Board Secretary


School Board Meeting 10/8/2024 6:30PM


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